A person's work can be the role he plays in society. Everyone needs jobs to make a living. What is it like to work in China? Are you concerned about getting jobs after moving to China? C-Talk can help! Come to C-Talk Chinese speaking sessions, we'll talk about not only the essential Chinese words needed in the Chinese working environment but also vital resources for international people to find jobs in China! We can even assist you through the process if you need! Just send us a request in the "Contact Us: section: https://www.modern2u.com/contact , we are here waiting to help on 7/24!
1. 在你的国家,人们通常有一份“终生工作”(一辈子都做同样的工作)还是人们经常更换工作? 每种工作的优点和缺点是什么?
2. 如果你富裕到不需要工作,你会放弃工作一直呆在家里,还是会考虑用慈善和志愿工作来充实自己的时间?
3. 您是否曾经失业或被裁员? 你认为处于这种情况下的人会面临哪些困难?
4. 现在年轻人在你的国家找工作容易吗? 为什么/不?
5. 您认为您所在国家的失业率水平可以接受吗? 为什么不? 可以做些什么来改善它?
6. 谁应该负责为失业者寻找新工作——政府还是个人?
7. 贵国是否为失业人员提供经济福利? “领取救济金”有哪些优点和缺点?
8. 有人说,为失业者提供慷慨的失业救济会鼓励懒惰,并不能激励失业者去找工作。 你同意吗? 为什么不?